Our Community
Our new board members have been elected for the 2023-2024 year.
Our roles include:
Publishing a bi-annual newsletter
Hosting family focused neighborhood socials each year
Maintaining our beautiful landscaping and abundant green spaces
Enforcing Deed Restrictions in a fair and neighborly manner
Monthly financial summaryH
Periodic Board Announcements
*if you have any questions or suggestions for information you would like to see on the website, please reach out to your Quakers Landing Board Secretary at qlcia.secretary@gmail.com
We are here for you and happy to help.
Quakers Landing
Board members at your service
President: Francis Tongol | francistongol@gmail.com
C: 281.840.9403
Vice President: Kevin Holland | kevlarh88@gmail.com
C: 832.621.5832
Treasurer: Gabriel Ordonez | hordonezhvac@gmail.com
C: 713.979.8848
Secretary: Jeff Belyeu | jwb_atm_93@yahoo.com
C: 832.620.2868
Respected Directors:
Joe Bunnell | ​joe.bunnell@yahoo.com | C: 281.777.4944
Jim Watson | jrw_41@swbell.net | C: 281.455.4761​
Kurt Spitzenberger | k_spitzenberger@yahoo.com | C: 832.386.0909
Matthew Jones | mljones_12@live.com | C: 713.624.2868​​
Visions & Values
Be Kind
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Work Hard
Have Fun